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The VI-28 corrector

Date: 20 October 2022
2 min.
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VI-28 is a correction machine. At Sleegers they had seen several times that this straightening was done manually by employees. They were already getting redundant while looking at it... In addition, you can never get the products manually as straight as you can get them mechanically. That was the starting point for the cooperation project with a bacon producer to automate the correcting of the bacon.

Sloppily packaged fresh produce remains on shelves

Products that come out of the slicer askew are placed straight on a tray by the VI-28. This involves the necessary camera technology and specially written software. If products aren't straight in the packaging, it looks sloppy. The consumer immediately has less confidence in the quality of the product and will leave it on the shelves. There is also the risk that the packaging cannot be closed properly, which means the product quickly spoils. The entire shipment is then returned. 

In the next blog I'll introduce the VI-41, that is the shooting belt....

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