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What is the all-new Sleegers Experience Center, anyway?

Date: 3 February 2022
3 min.
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On 18 March 2021 we opened the Sleegers Experience Center by means of a dynamic livestream. This livestream can be watched back via this link. For those who missed the livestream, I will explain what the Sleegers Experience Center is and what you can do with it. 

In order to solve all the limitations that I have encountered for years during demonstrations of Sleegers machines, we have built a large sustainable business space, behind our premises. We have provided this space with a hygienic floor, optimal air circulation and various cooling cells. With this, I can realize all my goals...

What is the goal of the Sleegers Experience Center?

There are several goals that have been achieved, and several constraints that have been remedied with the commissioning of the innovative Experience Center. The first goal is the real-time demonstration of our machines with fresh products, exactly as the potential client applies them in his production process. Because we now have all the space, we can set up a working production line with the machines the customer is interested in. Previously we crisscrossed our showroom: "The ham / cheese / fish / Vega is cut in this machine, then we walk to this Inliner, because that is where the cut slices end up. Now that the slices are neatly lined up, they go to the Underleaver. Come along, it's right here, I'll take the 'slices' for a moment..."

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